“LOHEN,” brand of TRINC Corporation, is a static ionizer with innovative techniques for antistatic measures, static elimination, static-stopper and dust removal.

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Instruction manuals as PDF files

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TRINC corporation
【Head Office】748-37 Okubo-cho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-City, Shizuoka-Pref. 432-8006 Japan Tel: +81-53-482-3412 Fax: +81-53-482-3414
【Tokyo branch office】1-26 Kandasuda-Cho, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo 104-0041 Japan
【Shanghai office】Room 407, Cangxin Tianshan Business Center 650 Tianshan Road, Shanghai , CHINA 200051
【ASEAN TRINC】Klongtoey,Bangkok 10110, Thailand

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